Saturday, July 24, 2010

Distributor Spotlight: "The Journey is the Reward"

We always meet wonderful and interesting people at our trade shows and on the phone. Getting to know our distributors and developing personal relationships is paramount in our business practice.

Doug LaViolette and his family, I am proud to spotlight in this posting. I first met Doug over a year ago. We spoke on the phone at great length, as we discovered similarities in our business practices, community activities, dedication to our families and desire to succeed in business through building relationships and friendships. Doug is principal of the LaViolette Group based in Wisconsin. He is a military veteran, is extremely kind, has great business sense and relationships, and operates an inspiring non-profit organization called The Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation.

I truly cannot say enough about Doug. He has emotionally touched myself, my family and our company. His sincerity, thoughtfulness, industriousness packaged under a pleasant soft-spoken demeanor had made him instantly likable.

I could carry on all day about the projects and ideas and unique relationships Doug has in the business world, where this special individual shines is through his charitable work. Doug, through a family adversity, channeled his energy and resources to create a foundation named in honor of his son Brian. To quote the Foundation's website ( : "Since 1992, the Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation has presented more than 450 scholarships to deserving college-bound students in Northeastern Wisconsin, the United States, and other parts of the world". The Scholarship of Honor is presented to deserving high school seniors in pursuit of a career in the military, community or public service.

If the Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation stopped operating today simply based on the laurels of presenting education scholarships thus far - it would be incredible, this Foundation does much more and is only growing in scope and attention. The Foundation honors fallen military veterans through presenting scholarships in their name, exposing their stories, inspires the community and demonstrates the resilience and good we as people are capable of.

Doug's family, their dedication and their story is what truly defines this foundation. The LaViolette family operates the Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation. His wife Renee and daughter Kim manage the Foundation. To truly understand this Foundation and this remarkable family, I direct you to read Brian's Story on the Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation's website. Doug once told me how his son Brian continues to impact and influence his life; the journey his life has taken and the people he has assisted and the people he has met along the way
are certainly the reward.

I hope this may in some way honor Doug and his family the way they honor and recognize so many others.

If you would like more information on this Foundation or Doug, please click on the link Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation.

"The Journey is the Reward" - Brian LaViolette

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